TRT, the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu) features four live online video streams from the URL below. TRT1, TRT2, TRT4, and TRTINT are all accessible via the below link. TRT is one of Turkey's biggest TV networks and the official TV channel of Turkey. TRT1 presents a wide range of TV programming, both international and Turkish. It also broadcasts sports, news, music, and special events like the Eurovision Song Contest. TRT2 switches its focus depending on the time of day between sports, news, and weather to culture, documentaries and arts. TRT4 features Turkish music and educational material. Lastly, TRT International broadcasts a mixture of the above. |
Tags - Turkey, Turkish, Türkiye, Türkçe, Turk |
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News, Music, Sports, Movies & TV Shows, Events, Lifestyle & Living
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